Author Guideline

Author guideline 

Dinamika Teknik Mesin

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

General instructions:

Aturan penulisan


Dinamika Teknik Mesin receives manuscripts / scientific research results or simulations in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The manuscript must be original, not translations or adaptations of other journals, unpublished or not processed for other journal publications.

SCRIPTWRITING: The manuscript is written correctly in English. The manuscript is typed in one space with MS Word (DOC file, or RTF, but not PDF), Times New Roman 10 letters on A4 paper pages in two columns except for abstract or large images and tables.


TITLE PAGE: the title is short and dense, does not cause a variety of diversity, and follows the contents of the article. The title is written with the letters Times New Roman 14 bold, left flat with a space 1 and a maximum of 20 words and only the first letter is written in capital.

ABSTRACT: abstract is a summary of the most important elements of the text, written in a paragraph no more than 250 words. The abstract should be able to briefly describe the problem, the purpose of writing, research methods, research results and conclusion. Avoid abbreviations and references in the abstract.

KEYWORDS: at least three to five keywords consisting of a single word or combination of words that indicate the main subjects in the manuscript.

INTRODUCTION: introduction contains backgrounds, previous research reviews, issues, state-of-the-art state of affairs, and research objectives. Introduction must be accompanied by citation arranged by last name only and year, (Name, year) or Name (year), or Name et al. (year), Liu et al. (1998), or (Carey, 1998).

METHOD: the research method may contain a scheme of research tools or specimens, research tools and materials, duration of study, place of study, variables under study, and experimental conditions. Research methods also include how to experiment or how to measure, how to analyse and the uncertainty of equipment or measurement.

DISCUSSION: The discussion refers to reviews relating to published research, simulation, or computational results, linked to theory, evaluation of research results or simulation or computation. The discussion is written succinctly, focusing on the interpretation of the results obtained, and not the repetition of the results. The discussion is conducted comprehensively and aims to provide information about the development of engineering technology, utilization, problems and solutions.

CONCLUSION: a brief description in the form of whole sentences that answer the purpose and problems of research, implications, and new findings.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: addressed to those who have assisted in completing research activities or funding.

UNITS USED: the unit of measurement in the text and graph uses the metric system, e.g. micron, mm, cm, km, for length; cm3, m3, litre for volume; and g, kg, tons for mass.

TABLE: tables should be briefly titled but clear with sufficient records, including the source so that each table can explain the information presented independently. Each table is numbered in sequence and reviewed in text. The lines in the table are just horizontal lines at the beginning of the header, below the header and at the end of the table. There are no vertical lines.

FIGURES: figures are made without a frame. All symbols and abbreviations in the figure should be explained. As in the table, the description of the figure should be sufficient to be presented independently. The figures should be reviewed in the text. Black and white or colour photos/ images should be of good quality.

CITATION OF LITERATURE: a cited article arranged alphabetically by first author's name (family). Each article listed in the bibliography should be quoted (cited) in the text, and otherwise, every quotation (citation) should be included in the bibliography. The number of citation libraries of at least 7 pieces. Citation in the form of books from some writers is expected to be less than the citation of the new articles. Manuscripts with many citations from abroad are welcome. Novelty citation attempted last 5 years. Writing citations on text uses a "name, year" system in two forms, for example, Judge and Starman (1991) or (Judge and Starman, 1991). If more than one citation is mentioned together then the writing is compiled based on the year of publication. For example, (Joniarta, 2010, Rustam dan Gunadi, 2015; Simanjuntak, 2017; Setioko, 2017; Lazardo, 2018). If there are more than two authors then the first author's (family) name is followed by et al. However, et al. should not be used in Bibliography although it can be used in text. In the References List may not use et al. All author names and editor names must be written in full, but each first name is shortened. Unpublished references should be avoided.

Example reference format:

A. Articles, journals, magazines, proceeding / collection of articles

Carey, V.P., Modeling of microscale transport in multiphase systems, Proceedings of the Eleventh Heat Transfer Conference, Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia, PA, 23-40, 1998.

Joys, M.M., Kuswarji T.G., Flow boiling pressure drop in microchannels, Third Micro and Nano Flows Conference, 22-24 August, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2010.

Liu, Q.S., Roux, B., Velarde, M.G, Thermocapillary convection in two-layer systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,  41(11), 1499-1511, 1998.

B. Book:

Bejan, A., Convection heat transfer, 2nd edition, Wiley, New York. 1995.

C. Report, thesis, thesis, dissertation:

Vanka, S.P., Efficiency computation of viscous internal flows, SBIR Phase-I Report, NAS3-25573, Propulsion Research Associates, Westmont, IL., 1989.

Pardi, F.K., Effect of number of pipes on the performance of solar water heater with pebble absorber, Thesis, Universitas Mataram, 2015.

d. Paten

Burns T., US Patent No. 358498, 1995.



The authors are suggested to use the Mendeleyev citation format.


Writing formulas / mathematical models starting from the left margin and formulas are given sequence numbers (1), (2), (3) and using Microsoft Equation 3. If the equations are long, they can be split. Attachments (if any) are numbered A, B, and C and are placed after the references.

The length of writing and attachments are at least 5 pages and a maximum of 15 pages. Templates can be downloaded at